About Me

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London, London, United Kingdom
Hello! I'm gonna remain anonymous for now since I don't wanna reveal who I am. All I'm gonna say is I am Chinese I'm gonna say this Blog is my place for when I feel in the mood to share what I'm going through and what's going on- but not the big details. My diary that I'll keep on filling (hopefully). Because I'm not best with diaries, I just incomplete them. I'm just an ordinary girl living a generation full of technology, judgement and racism. There's so many ideas I wanna share that'll explode like a coke bottle (metaphor from Girl Online-Zoe Sugg) Photography is the thang! Also nature! Hope you'll enjoy this. See you around
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Monday 4 January 2016

Rundown of 2015 | Diary

So this year has been a few ups and downs for me during 2015. There have been really difficult times and then there was times when I was reassured and glad that everything was okay in the end .

I'm going to tell you my rundown of events that happened over the past year, there will be great events and there will be a bad and sad events.

Friendship Disaster 
Now friendship problems are a common thing that happen throughout the teenage life and it happens sometimes out of the blue and then you can also expect it.

So, back at the end of 2014 I left my usual friendship group because of someone and what they did in the past. And then I told a bunch of lies when I had to talk to them online and clear things up. When I do however have a problem of explaining something to someone I get that jittery feeling and start to panic, this happens when there is text and it's something negative or could possibly be about me. Then end up telling lies and not be honest because I would want to keep my friendship and it will end up horribly. It has always been my mistake and I can never fix it. So then I have minus a friend who may think I am a terrible person. Do not panic, and if you do take a moment to breath and then start typing your explanation and thoughts and everything will fly out like a butterfly.But hopefully someday it will be resolved and I have been contemplating about it throughout this year, even though it's something about the year before, it still has been a struggle to find my way to apologising.

Moving Out
One of my siblings have moved out back in July and it was a tough choice for my parent because she didn't want to waste money where you can just live at the family house. Since then my Mum has been rambling on and on about how my sister was indecisive about the moving out case. Yes it is tough to move away from parents because they would always think of you as their little baby and always stick by them, but then you have to let them be free and do their own thing because they are older and they need to take responsibility for themselves. So it was an absolute nightmare hearing my Mum ramble on 24/7 and there is going to be a continuation in 2016 probably. Awesome!; Not.

Discovering YouTubers
Back then I wasn't a fan of YouTubers and I never really watched and any YouTube at all. But in April I discovered Zoella. I knew a teeny tiny amount about her from magazines, but that was all. I started watching her and then overtime  I discovered more YouTubers and now there is a list of a lot of YouTubers in my Subscriptions. My brother makes fun of me because of it. This could sound cheesy, but without all these YouTubers I'm watching now, I would be in a total mess. I have learnt a lot about them. It's not all about Gaming, Beauty or challenges. You can learn something from them and an example is a tweet "Do more of what makes you happy" by PointlessBlog. Thanks I need that to motivate me everyday.

Overall 2015 was a bumpy year and that is going to happen in life and I have to get over it.
New Year's Resolution: Be more happy and develop confidence.


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